Douglass Mind Blog

“Right is of no Sex – Truth is of no Color – God is the Father of us all, and we are all brethren.”

– Frederick Douglass
(Masthead of The North Star)

Published in Rochester, NY, by Frederick Douglass, The North Star was the most influential antislavery paper published in the 19th century. Circulated throughout the United States, Europe, and the West Indies, it denounced slavery and fought for the rights of women and other oppressed groups as well.

Today, our efforts and the efforts of many other modern abolitionists and antiracists are sprawled throughout the internet. The Douglass Mind Blog is meant to give voice to you for expanding ideas on antiracism and abolitionism. On this page, we will also keep you up-to-date with our initiatives, press releases, and general news about racism and human trafficking.

The time to act is now! Join Our Cause.

Douglass Mind Blog

Kenneth B. Morris Jr.

Kenneth B. Morris Jr.

Mr. Morris descends from two of the most influential names in American history: he is the great-great-great grandson of Frederick Douglass and the great-great-grandson of Booker T. Washington. He is the Co-founder & President of Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives.

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The Voice of The Future

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Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives in the News

Kenneth B. Morris Jr.

Kenneth B. Morris Jr.

Mr. Morris descends from two of the most influential names in American history: he is the great-great-great grandson of Frederick Douglass and the great-great-grandson of Booker T. Washington. He is the Co-founder & President of Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives.

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FDFI Statement: Sharing Common Ground

Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives (FDFI) joins with the Greater Rochester NY Black Agenda Group which, on Tuesday (April 28, 2020), in honor of Dr. David Anderson (Sankofa) on his 90th birthday, declared racism a public health crisis.

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Join the Movement

Please share your contact information below, and we will keep you updated on our progress as we strive to build strong children and end systems of exploitation and oppression.

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Give us a call at 866-960-9299, ext. 707 or contact us today!

Frederick Douglass Family Initiatives
130 E. Main Street
Rochester, NY 14604

Legal Counsel
Jon P. Getz, Esq.

45 Exchange Blvd, Suite 500
Rochester, New York 14614

585-820-9291 | email:

Frederick Douglass Family Foundation (Initiatives), Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity – EIN #26-0757405

Click here to view FDFI’s IRS Determination Letter